
The Highfield School Board is made up of five elected parent representatives, one staff representative and the Principal.

Annual Audited School Accounts

Each year the Ministry ensure every school’s financial operation is audited. Please see below the latest report.


Under the New Zealand Education Act, every state and state-integrated school in New Zealand is required to have a Board – the Crown entity that’s responsible for the governance of the school.

Where the Principal manages the day-to-day running of the school, the Board takes care of the personnel, property, finance, health and safety, employment and administration, while also setting the school’s strategic direction.

We hold meetings on the first Thursday of each month at 6.30pm in the Board Room.

Everyone in the school community are welcome to come to a Board meeting.

You should speak to the relevant staff member(s) and principal first. If the issue still hasn’t been resolved, get in touch with the Board.

  • Presiding Member – Campbell Main
  • Board members –  Rebecca Campbell, Sesimani Tuli, Lisa Plumridge,  Alex King
  • Staff Representative – Nic Mitchell
  • Principal – Amy Logavatu
  • Minute Secretary/Returning Officer – Nicola Casey-Newton

Feel free to attend a meeting and chat with the other Board members. We have a Board election every 18 months.