Highfield Students show our school values when they wear the uniform with pride.

- Navy skirt, navy shorts, navy culottes, navy trackpants,
- Highfield polo shirt
- Highfield bottle green sweatshirt,
- Bottle green polar fleece,
- Socks or navy tights,
- Navy bucket style sunhat (Term 1 & 4)

- Navy shorts, navy trackpants,
- Highfield polo shirt,
- Highfield bottle green sweatshirt,
- Bottle green polar fleece,
- Navy bucket style sunhat (Term 1 & 4)
- Navy or Black long sleeved thermal can be worn under the short sleeved Highfield polo
- Navy beanie(winter)
- Jackets can be worn outside during colder weather
- Shoes that the children wear to school should be both comfortable and suitable for school and the weather.
- Only studs or sleepers in the ear are permitted
- Long hair should be tied back. Hair accessories should be minimal in nature and preferably in school colours.
- Please note we ask that any logo’s on clothing should be no larger than our school logo.
You can buy our uniform at NZ Uniforms at 151a Hilton Highway, Washdyke.
Second-hand items are available from the school office.
Please name each item. This helps us get items back to you when lost.